Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Our Country List

Here is the list of countries that we think we'll be visiting:

It'll be interesting after the trip to see the list of countries we ended up visiting, our tastes or ideas may change along the way. We have the first leg of the trip semi-planned but after that we will be playing it by ear.

The decision to go...

The decision to go travel this way was an easier decision than you would think. We both knew that one day we wanted to go see the world, but that day always seemed far off. In a strange twist of fate, our neighbors again determined our decision for us.

You see, the entire reason that we are able to do this is because of a pair of awful neighbors from three years ago. If we would have had normal, respectful fellow tenants and not the doberman that lived above us and the crazy couple with the screaming baby below us, we never would have moved out of that apartment to buy the townhouse we are currently in. We bought at the best time too, right before the real estate boom. We loved this house.... for a while....

Again, our neighbors conspired in our life and threw us a curve ball. A couple houses down from us, they found the most dreaded of all pests, the bedbug. Now after weeks of sprays, even though we have not been infested, we have decided that we need to sell. Bedbugs are just icky! You could say, that we have been bit by the travel bug, although thankfully not literally... All we really needed was a good excuse to get up off our butts and out into the big wide world out there. Besides, if we are going to get bit by a bedbug it may as well be in a hostel in Cambodia, not in my own house!

So, the house is being put up for sale, hopefully within the next three weeks, and we are in the process of packing, selling and giving away all our worldy possessions. It has been a very cleansing experience so far. I should have gone through everything a long time ago, we already have 8 bags of clothes to give away!